The Greensboro Symphony OrKIDStra series combines music and literacy. Children’s books are brought to life through performances by the Greensboro Symphony Percussion Ensemble, larger-than-life illustrations, and sing-a-longs in highly engaging performances led by acclaimed storyteller Logie Meachum.
Over the past five years, thousands of four-year-olds from Guilford Child Development’s Head Start program have enjoyed performances in the UNCG Recital Hall. Many parents have been able to attend with their children. Copies of the featured titles have been donated to the Guilford Child Development centers so that all children may have books to read at home with their families.
The OrKIDStra program expanded in the 2017-2018 season to also include visits by GSO musicians to Guilford Child Development Head Start centers. In 2018-19, classes will expand to Davidson and Alamance Counties.
By 2020, the Orkidstra program of classes and concerts will be active in five counties: Guilford, Alamance, Rockingham, Randolph, and Davidson.
Past concert themes for this series have included:
2016: Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger
2015: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault
2014: The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
2013: A Million Chameleons by James Young
2012: Freckles and the Great Beach Rescue by Ellen Bryant Lloyd