Calling All College Students! Experience the Greensboro Symphony with Student Rush Tickets!
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student looking to enjoy world-class music? The Greensboro Symphony (GSO) offers Student Rush Tickets, your chance to experience select GSO concerts with $20 tickets! Enjoy the best available seats at these performances and immerse yourself in an unforgettable symphonic experience.
How to Get Your Student Rush Tickets:
Tickets are just $20, with a limit of 4 per valid student ID.
Purchase your tickets in person at the Tanger Center Box Office.
Tanger Center Box Office:
Located at One Abe Brenner Place
300 N. Elm Street, Greensboro
Open 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, and until 8 p.m. on concert nights.
Student Rush tickets will be available starting the Tuesday before each select concert, so don’t miss your chance to enjoy an incredible evening with the GSO at a fantastic price!
Other concerts may be included through Rush Tickets, pending availability.
Some restrictions may apply.
Rush ticket availability will also be communicated via email the week before the concert.
Call (336-335-5456 x 224) or email the box office for questions!