Matching gifts

Make your gift to the Greensboro Symphony go twice as far! If you are employed by one of the more than 900 companies across the country which match their employees’ contributions to non-profit organizations, your gift could double in value. Participating in your company’s Matching Gift program is very simple.

  1. Contact your Human Resources Office for eligibility requirements and to obtain a Matching Gift form or search online. (Remember, many companies also match the gifts of retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, and outside directors.)
  2. Fill out the employee portion of the form completely.
  3. Send the form to:

    Greensboro Symphony Orchestra
    200 North Davie Street, Suite 301
    Greensboro, NC 27401

If you are uncertain whether your employer will match your gift to the GSO, check with your company’s Human Resources Office or contact us at (336) 335.5456 ext. 222.